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Tan Sri Datuk Ng Teck Fong Tan Sri Datuk Ng Teck Fong is a leading figure in the Malaysian Chinese community. As a Hakka, he appreciates values such as integrity, fortitude, enterprise, perseverance and gratitude. Remembering his Hakka ancestral roots, he wants to nurture the spirit of gratitude among the Chinese community and to promote their history of struggle. He established the Ng Teck Fong Foundation to offer scholarships and study loans to help students with good results from underprivileged families to further their studies. To repay society, he opened Malaysia’s first Jewellery Museum to share his valuable collections with the public and to pass on the heritage of wisdom, technology and skills of the previous generations to the future generations. He is the life honorary president of the Federation of Chinese Associations of Malaysia and the Federation of Hakka Associations of Malaysia. He also sits on the board of governors for Kuen Cheng High School and SJKC Chung Kwo as former chairman and honorary chairman respectively. 丹斯里拿督吴德芳是马来西亚社团德高望重的领导人,他是客家人,以“诚信、刚毅、进取、勤朴、惜福、感恩”为他的座右铭。身为客家人的吴德芳,有着深厚的寻根意识,一直致力于在马来西亚华社培养饮水思源的精神,弘扬华人奋斗的史实。他设立的“吴德芳基金”,提供奖学金和贷学金给品学兼优的清寒学子协助他们能够完成学业。他也本着回馈社会的心愿而设立第一所首饰博物馆,愿与社会大众分享丰富典藏,希望把老祖宗的智慧和工艺传扬给下一代。丹斯里目前任华总永久名誉会长、客联会永远荣誉会长、坤成中学副董事长、原任中国小学董事长,现任名誉董事长。 |